documentary follows Greta Thunberg, a teenage climate activist from Sweden, on her international crusade to get people to listen…
Greta demands politicians to take climate action and stop ecological breakdown, especially in Sweden and the other Nordic countries.Greta Thunberg…
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, centre, takes part in a climate strike march in Montreal, Friday, Sept. 27, 2019. Graham…
Imagine if 16-year-olds like Greta could vote? We would have no Brexit, no Trump, and the United States would still…
In UK Brexit would have been canceled after the initial referendum, and the world would be spared for Putin’s puppet…
Week 34 of Greta Thunberg’s #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate she receives Fritt Ords Pris 2019 together with Natur Og Ungdom. Greta immediately…
380.000 readers worldwide have found Bergensia since the website’s release on May 8. 2017.55% of Bergensia’s readers are in the…
The flag bearers of “freedom & human rights” are suddenly very silent. Never stop talking about Palestine or Gaza.“Israel is…
50% of Bergensia’s readers are from the USA, followed by Norway and the UK, both at nearly 10%, Canada at…
The referendum outcome permanently protects one of the world’s most biodiverse places, marking a major victory for Indigenous rights, rainforest…
Norway’s government apologized on Thursday to Indigenous Sami groups for the construction of wind turbines on reindeer pastures, calling it…
Andrew Tate’s video in response to Greta Thunberg allowed Romanian authorities to confirm he was in the country, and arrest…
Andrew King, The University of MelbourneWorld leaders and climate experts gathered for pivotal United Nations climate change talks in Egypt.…
280,000 Sustainability-conscious readers from all around the world. 60% from the USA, followed by the United Kingdom number two (11%),…
”We live in a world dominated by greed. We have allowed the interests of capital to outweigh the interests of…
Bergensia just passed 260 000 readers.More than 900 articles on the Sustainability Goals attracted readers from all around the world…
A must watch, especially now during #COP26 — Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) November 7, 2021 Shuttestock Pep Canadell, CSIRO; Corinne…
Climate activist @GretaThunberg addresses crowd at #FridaysForFuture protest during #COP26 — Reuters (@Reuters) November 5, 2021 Sonja Klinsky, Arizona…
Corona Tzar Anders Tegnell also needs to be protected from himself1) Last week, Tegnell said 2 reasons other Nordics have…
Heather Lawford, Bishop’s University; Heather L. Ramey, Brock University, and Jessica Riddell, Bishop’s University National youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman’s…