‘Hate acts follow hate speech’ On Monday in one of his rallies Trump came out of the closet as a Nationalist…
Photo: Kontraframe Video from World Economic Forum Article main source: https://international.kk.dk/ Copenhagens Ambitious Goals The City of Copenhagen has set…
Banksy’s classic Christmas card shows a picture of Joseph and Mary crossing the desert on their way to Bethlehem and…
Impressing don’t you think – 150 articles without any journalist employed, envision what Bergensia could be with a few highly skilled journos…
Over this morning’s first coffee from Kaffemisjonen, conferencier Hanne Wetland shows us how she uses drawings in meeting to improve…
Photo: August 17. 2017 by Aleppo Media Center. Have we forgotten the bloodied boy from Aleppo? – It has been…
Fridays for future. The school strike continues! #climatestrike #klimatstrejk #FridaysForFuture pic.twitter.com/5jej011Qtp — Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 16, 2018 Vi barn…
We know who Kavanaugh is because time and time again he’s shown us. Alyssa Milano Bergensia supports efforts to stop Trump’s…
Erik Solheim Head of UN Environment eagerly promotes air travel. Erik Solheim spent 490 000 US dollars, traveling for 529…
FROM THE CONSULTATION HALL: Former Justice and Deputy Minister Per-Willy Amundsen and former Justice, Emergency and Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug…
Hurricane Maria named the deadliest US natural disaster in over 100 years 2,995 Americans died in Puerto Rico in the…
A clear way to watch the Earth’s temperature changes over the past 137 years. (from historic & @NASA data, via…
Nicolas Hulot, who quit his post as a popular high-profile environment minister, said that in France, the environment “isn’t being…
Brilliantly clairvoyant editorial illustration by Christian Bloom in Norwegian newspaper VG December 3. 2016. DECLARATION: Until Trump is impeached Bergensia.com will…
Could this just as easily have been a “Made in Norway” missile, Erna Solberg? 40 innocent children killed on a…
Team Rynkeby is a Nordic charity cycling team. Every summer we cycle to Paris to raise money for seriously ill…
Impressing don’t you think – 100 articles in a little more than a half year online without any journalist employed, envision…
Photo by Simon Edelman: Energy Secretary Rick Perry (L) and coal magnate Robert Murray (R) embrace. Perry’s 2012 presidential campaign…
Bergensia is open to investors. A minimum investment level is 250.000,- terms are negotiable. Love to hear from potential and competent…
Just a two hours from the city of Bergen on Norway’s west coast, you can visit Wille and My’s charming lodge…