Over this morning’s first coffee from Kaffemisjonen, conferencier Hanne Wetland shows us how she uses drawings in meeting to improve communications, understanding, and decisionmaking (Nyttetegning).
Er tastaturet en showstopper for kreativitet? #Stormkast #Grieghallen #hannewetland pic.twitter.com/r8zL9VGGCC
— Arild Pedersen (@ArildPedersen) September 19, 2018
Storm Warnings
Anders Waage Nilsen comes on stage to give us his Storm Warning where he gives us the overarching trends as he has been doing for the four-year history of the Stormkast Conference. Stormkast has since its very beginning proven itself to be bigger than Bergen and possibly Norway with a different approach and a more holistic format, international headliners and a global perspective.
Either you believe we live in an era where we have 12 Gutenberg moments simultaneously or the 8 trends Waage Nilsen points at you in some way or another acknowledge that the future is here it is just not evenly distributed yet as author William Gibson famously argued. Some of us seem to live a few years ahead of others and those are the ones who become entrepreneurs and pull the future closer. In Waage Nilsen’s Storm Warning he sets focus on local entrepreneurs and companies that are making a difference and claiming their spot in history among the global ones we are all familiar with like Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Ali Baba.
Sirkulariet er en av trendene, sier @waagenilsen på #Stormkast. @invertapro er er godt eksempel på sirkulærøkonomi; melbillelarver omgjør matavfall til høyverdig protein. Vil du vite mer? Snakk med oss på stand og smak på larver i Grieghallen i dag! #innovasjon #sirkulærøkonomi pic.twitter.com/GeIyshuh7I
— BIR (@BIRrenovasjon) September 19, 2018
@waagenilsen gir stormvarsel på #Stormkast og trekker frem #WasteIQ fra @BIRrenovasjon som eksempel på trenden med å gå fra fragmentert teknologi til helhetlige systemer. #innovasjon #DigitalTransformation pic.twitter.com/0BsO5wC1ni
— Eva Skjold (@evaskjold) September 19, 2018
How do you organize in changing times
Inger G. Stensaker from NHH – Norwegian School of Economics knows a thing or two about how large organizations should organize themselves to stay alive and relevant, and she shares them with us with great authority.
She used the word disruptive before it became common and now is overused in board meetings and conferences like this.
Learn to learn is an important skill in changing times: Peter Senge was perhaps the first who said that learning on an organizational level faster than the competition is the only sustainable competitive advantage in the long run.
Media City Bergen is born out of the understanding of learning organizations and TV 2 may be the most successful company in Bergen and perhaps in Norway to spin-off new innovative companies on a global level; among the at least 10 companies you may recognize Storm Weather Center, Vizrt, Vimond, and Sumo. An anecdote says that only one of the spin-off companies from TV 2 moved to Oslo and that company is the only one that is no longer around.
Sparebanken Vest has set itself high ambitions it’s the latest innovation Folio.no aims to be the first bank who understands what a bank ought to be; mainly the partner who does your accounting for you.
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Camilla Anderson brings Crowdfunding to Norway
The well connected serial entrepreneur has a fascinating track record in media tech and lately as an active Angel Investor. She now wants Ola and Kari to become crowd funders. An entrepreneur that has taken an early advantage of this new phenomena is Monica Jill Vaksdal founder of Think Outside who launches Dingo Ski a sensor located on your ski that surveils the layers of the snow as you ski to make sure you stay out of avalanches; no less (!)
Maria Mazzucato tells the story of value over the last 400 years
The author of The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy gives the audience a speed date on 400 years of history on creation of wealth or value as we say nowadays.
Wow! Maria Mazzucato speaks on in and out breath on the creation of wealth, the atraction of wealth and how the two are often confused and mixed in our storytelling on who creates value or how we measure productivity. Even GDP. #Stormkast pic.twitter.com/m4L13o4PU4
— Jan Terje Espeland (@jantesays) September 19, 2018
Continously updated as the conference continues . . .
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