#TrumpHatesWomen pic.twitter.com/WM2P9bunPy — Don Winslow (@donwinslow) July 27, 2020 This is NOT how we should treat our veterans. pic.twitter.com/PTkphsIbnM —…
Umair Haque: Trump’s America is Now The World’s Plague BeltAt 150.000 dead Americans to COVID-19; Trump’s Presidency is the number…
The Lincoln Project is holding accountable those who would violate their oaths to the Constitution and would put others before…
20 July 2020 Gulbenkian PrizeGreta Thunberg is the winner of the first Gulbenkian Prize for HumanityThe first edition of the Gulbenkian…
You can take photos and project an image to the world of being a family man and accost women without…
Apartheid state Israel has many supporters worldwide; UN Watch Director should not be one of them. How come UN Watch…
Corona Tzar Anders Tegnell also needs to be protected from himselfSweden like Norway and the other Nordic countries is used…
Watch Pres. Trump repeatedly crash and burn in this interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News (yeah Fox News on…
by Siri Harr Steinvik Frøya summer residentThe high in the low,and the low in the high(Summer reading from Frøya, a…