Historical picture of all the parliamentary leaders at the Norwegian Stortinget
For the first time, women led all the parties’ parliamentary groups. This week, a new, official photo of the 10 women was taken on the occasion of Women’s Day on March 8. The day has been marked annually all over the world as Women’s Day, and since the International Women’s Year in 1975 has been marked as a UN day.

A parliamentary leader is the supreme leader of the various parliamentary groups. Since last summer, all the parliamentary leaders have been women.
It is historic that all parliamentary leaders in the Storting are women. It is great to be able to experience it during this period. At the same time, it is appropriate to remember all the hard-working women who have taken and demanded their place in politics, who have made the room bigger for us who came after.
Rigmor Aasrud, parliamentary leader of the Labor Party
It is important to have women in all rooms where decisions are made. We all bring with us different experiences and perspectives, and for me it is important that this is also reflected in priorities. A topic that I believe is high time that it is given higher priority, and which I want to raise in connection with this year’s celebration of Women’s Day, is women’s health. Far too many women still receive both mistakes and poor treatment when they are ill.
Erna Solberg, parliamentary leader of the Conservative Party

Four years: “She is a leader type.”
Twelve years: “She is so reflective. So safe for the other students. She sees everyone and is the first to include those outside. She makes good choices for herself – and others. She answers when the others are quiet.”
Not a single March 8 event is for children. . . They don’t even get to know about the day at school. Unimaginable sums are spent on promoting logos and sustainability on March 8. Still, not a single minute is spent on the people who, in a few years, will make the most important choices of their lives: choosing a profession and choosing a life partner.
Linn Katrine Høie
Today is International Women’s Day! This song is for all of those who came before us, who sacrificed and worked hard for women to get equal rights in society. We must never take this for granted, or it might slip away before we know it.
There’s still a lot to accomplish, and in many places there is massive inequality and discrimination. I send my thoughts and support today especially to the women of [USA, editors note] Iran and Afganistan, fighting with their lives on the line, for their basic equal rights and freedom.
Ane Brun, Norwegian songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist of Sami origin.
️”Mama, I am the ugliest girl I know” listen to Pink’s strong and beautiful reply to her six-year-old, who is having a hard time with how she is told she looks like a boy with long hair.
Do you see me growing my hair?
Do you see me changing my body?
Do you see me changing the way I present myself to the world?
Do you see me selling out Arenas all over the world?

Iceland was the first country in the world to introduce an equal pay standard to contribute to closing the pay gap between men and women. The work with equal pay standard started in 2008. In Norway, it is still the case that women, on average, only earn 87.9 percent of what men earn. 17. November has therefore been set as the Norwegian equal pay day for 2022. The wage differences can be illustrated by the average woman working for free from this date and the rest of the year.
Women, imagine that for 24 hours there are no men in the world. What would you do?. Many women answered that they would take a walk in the middle of the night. Surprising? No.
Derya Incedursun, consumer economist at Nordea
It is dangerous to be a woman
While giving birth was and still is the most dangerous situation for women in parts of the world. On Women’s Day, it is important to focus again on men’s violence against women – one of the most common human rights violations. According to the UN, one in three women worldwide experiences physical or sexual violence, primarily by an intimate partner. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, and the immediate and long-term physical, sexual, and mental consequences for women and girls can be devastating, including death.
Violence negatively affects women’s general well-being and prevents women from fully participating in society. It impacts their families, their community, and the country at large. It has tremendous costs, from greater strains on health care to legal expenses and losses in productivity.
But what can “I” do, you might think? Derya Incedurssun´s advice: Take the time to educate yourself and familiarize yourself with the different forms of violence, recognize the signs of violence, speak up when something is inappropriate, reflect on your behavior and perception of what masculinity and femininity are, don’t be silent in the face of it with sexual harassment, and have a respectful approach to gender-based discussions.
Start there. And to all you wonderful and exemplary men out there – we wouldn’t be without you, she ads.
Belov is the first article on Bergensia, first published on LinkedIn on March 8. 2017, before it appeared on Bergensia when the site was launched on May 8. 2017:
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