The deviation of temperatures from November 2024 to January 2025 from those in the corresponding 3-month period from 1979 to…
The global surface temperature anomaly is back over 1.8°C, at 1.83°C as of October 28th. This smashes last year’s record…
Opening the seabed to mining is putting the nail in the coffin for Norway as a responsible ocean nation. -…
#RIPFørdefjord – faces the death penalty in a lost case in Oslo court 10. January 2024The Nature Conservation Association and…
Book Chapter to contribute to the BETTER WORLD Vol 6 on SDG Goal 14. The chapter written by WorldFish analyses…
Henrik Svedäng, Stockholm UniversityTo slow and reverse the fastest loss of Earth’s living things since the dinosaurs, almost 200 countries…
Nathan Cooper, University of WaikatoThousands of delegates have gathered in Montreal, Canada, for a once-in-a-decade chance to address the accelerating…
Zephyr’s offshore wind project “Vidar” in Skagerak violates the Biodiversity Act.OPINION by Christina Fjeldavli, Board Member La Naturen Leveearlier published…
Despite La Niña Conditions the world’s oceans appear to have been running a fever last year, says findings in “Advances…
Carter’s freshwater mussel (Westralunio carteri) stranded on a dry river bed Alan Lymbery, Author provided Alan Lymbery, Murdoch University Am…
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Agency (aka Green Warriors of Norway) sent consultation responses to the environmental deterioration of Bisphenol A…
While Humanity struggles to agree on whether, hand hygiene, social distancing, masks, and quarantines help to flatten the curve of…
More than 10.000 people took part in about 50 paddle-out protests all around the country, from Perth to Townsville, including…
Photocopyright University of Bergen Warning: article contains a graphic image By Sol Torkildsen-Espeland Sadly, the first documented goose-beaked whale to be…