More than 10.000 people took part in about 50 paddle-out protests all around the country, from Perth to Townsville, including…
Norwegian oil giant Equinor has pulled the plug on its plans to drill for oil in the fragile Great Australian Bight, saying…
Mark Ruffalo as Robert Bilott, the ‘lawyer who became DuPont’s worst nightmare’. Focus Features Koen Heimeriks, University of Warwick and…
Sky Sport believes there needs to be a “balanced debate” on monkey-chant racism rather than the “unbalanced” forthright & admirable…
BERGENSIA; While the crazy manchild and the current Administration in the White House tout “the world’s cleanest air, cleanest water”…
Socialism once made America Great One way to look at it is, yeah, young people are more open to that…
Coal is responsible for over 800,000 premature deaths per year globally and many millions more serious and minor illnesses. In China alone,…
After 500 years the Eurasian beaver is back in the UK. On the move. Ben Birchall/PA Wire/PA Images Mike Jeffries,…
Temperatures are warming faster in the Arctic than anywhere else in the world. Water and sewer pipes in Iqaluit, Nunavut,…
Chopping wood and making paper airplanes are activities children might pursue in a class that takes a phenomenon-based approach to…
Bafta Awards 2020: Joaquin Phoenix praised for calling out ‘systemic racism’ in the film industry in his best actor award…
BJP’s government is using both law and violence to target Muslims across India and particularly in Indian occupied Kashmir. More…
Racist Limbaugh played a song called “Barack the Magic Negro” during his ad breaks for the duration of Obama’s presidency.…
Already showing serious signs of dementia and drug abuse Trump hugs the American flag at a 2019 convention of political…
The carbon cost of beef is about 20 times more per gram of protein than it is for beans. Mediterranean…
Human Rights; USA; State of the Union 2020; Trump Administration; Donald Trump; racism; discrimination; mass incarceration;
“This is an unprecedented situation that we are facing,” said Dominique Burgeon, an emergency services director at the U.N. Food…
Reversal Means Its Forces Can Use Mines Indefinitely, Anywhere(Washington, DC) – The Trump Administration’s decision to cancel a policy to eliminate all…
Benjamin Franklin was a leading voice in the debates framing the Constitution. Howard Chandler Christy/Architect of the Capitol Clark D.…
This is our star look after it for us — Led By Donkeys (@ByDonkeys) Voici un message pour l’Europe depuis…