Tim Walz gives the game away by saying the “EXPANSION” of Israel is necessary. The ceasefire rhetoric was a lie. They support genocide. They always have. https://t.co/RNibObLHKP
— Sabby Sabs (@SabbySabs2) October 2, 2024

Netanyahu holds up a map at the United Nations that has expunged Gaza and the West Bank, leaving just Israel. But people saying ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ are the problem, right?

“Every place where you set foot shall be yours: from the wilderness and the Lebanon, from the Euphrates River to the Western Sea, shall be your territory.”
– Deuteronomy 11:24 pic.twitter.com/5C7lSmwySr— IDF Babes 🇮🇱 (@IDFBabes) October 4, 2024
Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan to Conquer the Arab World
This MUST BE STOPPED pic.twitter.com/cLJ2eUOtjn
— Ryan Rozbiani (@RyanRozbiani) October 4, 2024

October 7. Hannibal’s directive and Netanyahu’s fatherland
The Hannibal Directive (Hebrew: נוהל חניבעל, romanized: Nóhal Khanibaál), also translated as Hannibal Procedure or Hannibal Protocol, is the name of a controversial procedure used by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces. According to one version, it says that “the kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces.”[2] It was introduced in 1986, after a number of abductions of IDF soldiers in Lebanon and subsequent controversial prisoner exchanges. The full text of the directive was never published, and until 2003, Israeli military censorship forbade any discussion of the subject in the press. The directive has been changed several times,[2] and in 2016 Gadi Eizenkot ordered the formal revocation of the standing directive and the reformulation of the protocol.[3][4]
Israeli newspapers, including Haaretz, ABC News, and the UN’s Commission of Inquiry, have pointed out that during the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel, the IDF ordered the Hannibal Directive to be used. The IDF was ordered to prevent “at all costs” the abduction of Israeli civilians or soldiers, possibly leading to the death of a large number of Israeli hostages.[6][7][8][9][10][11]
Netanyahu also tested Hannibal’s directives on his own people.
Instead, they blame the Palestinian resistance.
This video was leaked from Apache footage. pic.twitter.com/P41mwzrpUv
— Lotfi GHAZOUANI (@Lotfi_Ghazouani) September 8, 2024

When Netanyahu returns to Poland and becomes the president there, then he can speak of self-defense. As long as Mr Mileikowsky is in Palestine, he is an occupier who pretends to be a Semite, and a delusional supremacist who acts like this would give him carte blanche. Richard Medhurst
Some Zionists and their respective fatherland – no Semitic bloodline to the Holy Land, it seems:

Mr Mileikowsky’s clairvoyance
Netanyahu in 2017 talking of Israel’s capacity to hack all devices:
‘With a click of a button you can bring nations to their knees very rapidly’
If this isn’t the language of bringing terror then what is.
The man is a monster. Backed by Biden 🇺🇸 and Starmer 🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/IULJ7kzCaT
— Howard Beckett (@BeckettUnite) September 20, 2024
Netanyahu in 1986:
“I think that you can tell a lot about terrorists about what happens when they come to power. Those who fight for freedom and come to power do not impose terrorism. Those who do, who fight in terroristic means, end up as being masters of terrorist states.” pic.twitter.com/MKHEEnJUfr — Assal Rad (@AssalRad) September 18, 2024
„Mileikowsky bless America“ ?
— Walter Siegrist (@RealWsiegrist) September 28, 2024
Mileikowsky (aka Netanjahu,“given by God”) is the real President of the United Stateshttps://t.co/Tfr2XATFXB https://t.co/92ozyghU5R pic.twitter.com/XHUiKps0CQ
In 1995 Netanyahu wrote a book stating “militant Islamists” would bring down the World Trade Centre.
Almost like he planned it…
pic.twitter.com/7uCz6iGBtF — ADAM (@AdameMedia) September 10, 2024
4,000 Jews did not go to work on #september11th , they received instant messages in HEBREW through Odigo, an Israeli app.
A Rabbi boasts a Rabbi told him the towers were coming down 1 week before they did in “Rebbe” square which is Netanyahu’s Rabbi which claims all Jews are… pic.twitter.com/6ArivSkN9o— Use Yandex Search Engine for Anti Zionist searches (@_NicoleNonya) September 11, 2024
To a Zionist, every non-Jew is either Amalek or goy, and even fellow Jews who do not share the Zionist Ideology can be labeled anti-semitic.
Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the Israeli government was “committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” and he also stated: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember”.[110] At an argument to the International Court of Justice about allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza, South Africa presented the comments as inciting genocide against the Palestinian people. Netanyahu denied that was his intention, stating the South African accusation reflected a “deep historical ignorance” since he was referring to Hamas, not Palestinians as a whole.[111][112]
Nahma Nadich, deputy director of the Jewish Community Relations of Greater Boston writes:
I definitely see goy as a slur — seldom used as a compliment, and never used in the presence of a non-Jew.
That’s a good litmus test: if you wouldn’t use a word in the presence of someone you’re describing, [there is a] good chance it’s offensive.

They blindfolded him, made him run and shot him for fun. For sport.
— ADAM (@AdameMedia) October 3, 2024
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