Bergensia's Sustainability Explorer
🌎 Explore the path to a sustainable future! Each section highlights themes aligned with the SDGs and other key global challenges, offering insights, actions, and inspiration.
VULTURE; “He left behind his passwords. I think it was intentional.” When Mats Steen died at the age of 25 in 2014, his parents, Robert and Trude, assumed that their dear son, having spent the past decade playing video games from a wheelchair in the basement of their Oslo home,…
Wes Mountain/The Conversation, CC BY-ND Denis Muller, University of Melbourne When a newspaper with the authority of The New York…
Watch this movie with your heart ❤️💚 (Norwegian)Do you really believe we can save the climate by destroying nature?By Vegard…
By President Obama from his original post on MediumAs millions of people across the country take to the streets and…
This… is Why… Racism isn’t getting worse, it’s getting filmed Will Smith A Ku Klux Klan parade in Washington, D.C.,…
Finally, Twitter had enough of this cruel twitter-abuser; namely Individual1 or the corrupt occupant of the Oval Office in the…
We all know The Apprentice President occupying the Oval Office in the White House is a liar, racist, sexist, and…
A Ku Klux Klan parade in Washington, D.C., in 1926. #ICANTBREATHE George Floyd Everett Historical shutterstock “Racism isn’t getting worse,…
Artist rendition of the National Western Center, a net-zero campus under construction in Denver to house multiple activities. City and…
Dominic Cummings. the UK PM’s adviser, is greeted by protestors as he leaves home in London. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga Gwilym David Blunt,…
Thomas La Mela/Shutterstock Glenn Banks, Massey University “Almost every threat to modern humanity can be traced simply to our out-of-control…
Ferdig med siste møte i DC, med rådgivere i Trump-kampanjen. Jeg har nå en ny, stor entusiasme for budskapet..… — Julio Araujo 🇧🇷✊🏿 (@julioaraujo_) May 23, 2020 He was already convicted by the courts for ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME when…
As large parts of the world almost stopped as a result of the corona virus, greenhouse gas emissions of CO₂…
A still from the 1963 film of William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. British Lion Film Corporation Vittorio Bufacchi, University…
Flavonoids are a group of compounds found in almost every fruit and vegetable. leonori Eleftheria Kodosaki, Cardiff Metropolitan University and…
More than 90.000 deathsThe USA now has more than 90.000 deaths from the coronavirus while South Korea has 263, both…
by Laila Haukeland, Hosteland translated by Bergensia from original in Norwegian at Our National Costume and wind powerImagine you…
“First they came …” is the poetic form of a prose post-war confession first made in German in 1946 by the German Lutheran pastor Martin…
German capital is heavily involved in the construction of wind turbines in Norway. This has been clearly expressed by German…
The biggest natural intervention in Norwegian history is in the making, as power companies want to build thousands of wind…