Global warming stripes show average global temperatures, 1850-2024. Blue stripes denote cooler years, red are warmer. Ed Hawkins, CC BY-NC-NDEd Hawkins, University…
A Vb-type depression will cause very severe weather in central Europe @MystereClimat – What impact is expected from climate change…
Yasna Palmeiro Silva, UCLChile has experienced one of the worst fire-related disasters in its history. A series of huge forest…
While Humanity struggles to agree on whether, hand hygiene, social distancing, masks, and quarantines help to flatten the curve of…
Nicholas Leach, University of OxfordIn the summer of 2021, Canada’s all-time temperature record was smashed by almost 5℃. Its new…
Henrik Svedäng, Stockholm UniversityTo slow and reverse the fastest loss of Earth’s living things since the dinosaurs, almost 200 countries…
Nathan Cooper, University of WaikatoThousands of delegates have gathered in Montreal, Canada, for a once-in-a-decade chance to address the accelerating…
A satellite captured large and small deforestation patches in Amazonas State in 2015. The forest loss has escalated since then.…
Tourists cross a hanging bridge in the treetops of Costa Rica’s Monteverde cloud forest. Matthew Williams-Ellis/Universal Images Group via Getty…
Rundt klokken seks om morgenkvisten dro jegerne fra Statens naturoppsyn ut på truger, ski og snøscooter.Etter hvert landet også et…
Zephyr’s offshore wind project “Vidar” in Skagerak violates the Biodiversity Act.OPINION by Christina Fjeldavli, Board Member La Naturen Leveearlier published…
ThomasLENNE/ Helen Anne Curry, University of Cambridge Last summer I grew three varieties of corn in my tiny garden. I…
Wildfires that swept through Sequoia National Forest in California in September 2021 were so severe they killed ancient trees that…
The European bison is back from the edge of extinction, and Białowieża has the continent’s largest population. According to the…
Soloviova Liudmyla Melissa Marselle, De Montfort University During the COVID-19 lockdowns, more of us are noticing the variety of animals,…
If the world adopted a plant-based diet we would reduce global agricultural land use by 75%by Hannah Ritchie March 04,…
While Humanity struggles to agree on whether, hand hygiene, social distancing, masks, and quarantines help to flatten the curve of…
By 2050, 70% of the world’s population is expected to live in towns and cities. Urban living brings many benefits,… — Julio Araujo (@julioaraujo_) May 23, 2020 He was already convicted by the courts for ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME when…