SDG13 - Climate Action

Brexshit Britain – Sovereignty Means Sewage

Investigation after 57 world triathlon championship swimmers fall sick and get diarrhea in Sunderland race An Environment Agency sampling at Roker Beach on Wednesday, 26 July, three days before the event, showed 3,900 E Coli colonies per 100ml, more than 39 times higher than typical readings the previous month. E coli is a bacterial infection that can cause stomach pain and bloody diarrhea.

After years of Tory misrule, the opinion of the British public seems clear:
We’ve had enough.

And with good reason. For over a decade, the Conservatives have ransacked the country they claim to love, unmooring it from its foundations and enriching their chums. While the wealth of the very richest rocketed, the party’s program of austerity, begun by David Cameron in 2010 and continued by each Conservative prime minister since, starved public services, created one of the most miserly welfare states in the developed world and contributed to the longest period of wage stagnation — for many, wage regression — since the Napoleonic Wars. Life expectancy is down, child poverty is up, and there are few signs of a reprieve on the horizon. Life under the Tories has become poorer, nastier, more brutish and shorter.

Samuel Earle, author of “Tory Nation: How One Party Conquered Britain,” from which this quote is sited in a essay adapted for the New York Times April 27. 2023 

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