– I need a metaphor for the damage done by the environmental neglect of post Brexit Britain.
– How obvious do you want it?
– Visible from Mars obvious.
– Done. https://t.co/jvWsaanX09— James Murray (@James_BG) August 5, 2023
Investigation after 57 world triathlon championship swimmers fall sick and get diarrhea in Sunderland race An Environment Agency sampling at Roker Beach on Wednesday, 26 July, three days before the event, showed 3,900 E Coli colonies per 100ml, more than 39 times higher than typical readings the previous month. E coli is a bacterial infection that can cause stomach pain and bloody diarrhea.
After years of Tory misrule, the opinion of the British public seems clear:
We’ve had enough.And with good reason. For over a decade, the Conservatives have ransacked the country they claim to love, unmooring it from its foundations and enriching their chums. While the wealth of the very richest rocketed, the party’s program of austerity, begun by David Cameron in 2010 and continued by each Conservative prime minister since, starved public services, created one of the most miserly welfare states in the developed world and contributed to the longest period of wage stagnation — for many, wage regression — since the Napoleonic Wars. Life expectancy is down, child poverty is up, and there are few signs of a reprieve on the horizon. Life under the Tories has become poorer, nastier, more brutish and shorter.
Samuel Earle, author of “Tory Nation: How One Party Conquered Britain,” from which this quote is sited in a essay adapted for the New York Times April 27. 2023
Jeremy Hunt: Brexit is not affecting our economy
Charles Goodhart, former member, Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee: Brexit is affecting our economy pic.twitter.com/TMm9YLeomo
— Farrukh (@implausibleblog) August 4, 2023
Jolly welcome to see @edwardlucas raising #Brexit 🐘 issue.
However, IMV raising the excuse that not mentioning Brexit wins by-elections is merely dishonest and cowardly populism.
Everything that people are unhappy about is linked to Brexit, ie economy, inflation, failing… pic.twitter.com/AQmbkuu1Ja
— Liz Webster (@LizWebsterSBF) July 31, 2023
Murdoch and Farage at Lebedev’s garden party shortly after the referendum.
How could anyone have been so deluded to think these guys cared about ‘ordinary people’?
Brexit was a coup.#RejoinEU pic.twitter.com/IouMPC1gvA
— Nick Reeves #NAFO #RejoinEU #PATH (@nickreeves9876) July 13, 2023
Hugh Grant, March 2023…
“The big newspaper owners, largely non-taxpaying newspaper owners, are living above the law & no one dares to take them on!
Do you think Brexit has ruined your country? ”Well I do and actually the majority of Brits do as well”pic.twitter.com/woNEEERvDQ— Bob (@bobrmitchell) July 11, 2023
This was the ‘#Brexit Contract’ from Vote Leave, 10 promises to the voters of the UK.
NOT ONE of these promises has been kept. Not even close.
Leave voters, you were lied to.
Why do you still think you were ever right? pic.twitter.com/Suqsd4sR1B
— John O’Connell (@jdpoc) July 5, 2023
Note how that Prigozhin’s strategy of stoking Islamophobia and fear of immigration during the Brexit referendum (though nothing to do with the EU) neatly allied with the ‘Turning Point’ and ‘Turkey is Coming’ messages from the two Leave Campaigns https://t.co/srJ1keyxiP pic.twitter.com/om8CNXTiwJ
— Peter Jukes (@peterjukes) July 6, 2023
Given what Russia is doing to the world, now we know the facts about Boris Johnson’s alarming over-ruling of our security services, #Brexit must be revisited.
What do you call someone who defies their own country’s security services to deliver for a rogue state 🇷🇺?…
— Liz Webster (@LizWebsterSBF) June 28, 2023
The head of MI6’s Russia desk said: “As an intelligence professional, I’m flabbergasted that a serving government minister would even consider spending a weekend in Italy in the castle that was owned by a former KGB officer who’d worked against the UK.” https://t.co/LsUKtEk8aI
— Brexit Truth 💙 🇺🇦 (@Big_Headers) June 26, 2023
Congratulations to this man, who’s just been officially recognised by the Guinness World Records for the longest pause of all time while trying to think of some Brexit benefits. 🙌🏻 pic.twitter.com/uYJN6ZTsen
— Moog (@a_toots) May 18, 2023
Impressive figure… and very indicative of the country’s mood.
Brexit had failed everyone.
Time to rejoin !
🇬🇧 🇪🇺 pic.twitter.com/TyU4XbgvM8
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) April 22, 2023
#Brexit dividend for Ireland! Ireland assumes UK’s role as US gateway to EU. Brexit benefits are clear. Irish economy will grow 6% next year while UK will shrink 0.2%! GDP per head now twice UK’s.
Ireland owes thanks to @Conservatives. @BBCr4today https://t.co/PyfzQONshz
— Tara O’Connor (@tarapoconnor) April 15, 2023
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