
Bergensias article number 100

Impressing don’t you think – 100 articles in a little more than a half year online without any journalist employed, envision what Bergensia could be with a few highly skilled journos on the payroll (!)

Our vision for Bergensia

Bergensia pushes and inspires leaders, businesses, and organizations to innovate and realign their strategy and purpose towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development is the largest assignment of our time.

We are the first generation that can end poverty, the last that can end climate change.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (2007-16).

Sustainable Development, an appealing phrase, first used by Gro Harlem Brundtland in what is later known as the Brundtland Report; Our Common Future; World Commission on Environment and Development 1987.

“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains two key concepts:

  • The concept of needs, in particular, the essential needs of the world’s poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and
  • The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.”

In September 2015, the nations of the world agreed on 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, this makes Gro’s legacy more relevant than ever.  At Bergensia we see the SDGs as platforms for innovation towards which companies can align their strategies.

Bergensia – The Sustainable Gazette is a global media-platform (website) launched from Media City Bergen which gives a voice to all organizations and persons who can report progress and innovation towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); within science, political, economic, social/cultural, technological or environmental. The site will “hipse” (lift) individuals and organizations who make a difference so they can inspire the rest of us. Further, the site will accumulate knowledge and become an archive to go to for best sustainable development practice.

Paid content with “eternal life” and 10.000 sustainability conscious readers for 50 000 NOK

Quality stories that are relevant will “live” for 12/24/36 months attracting new readers each month. At a premium price, you also get to audit your advertorials to make it up to date, and you may have more than one post. Together with Bergensias advertorial staff you can arrange so that each quarter you publish new relevant content at no extra cost except for time and materials (edit, photo, video, animation etc.)

The Sustainable Gazette is born out of the social democracy model of Norway and Scandinavia, our fees are therefore related to the economic capacity of your organization. We arrange a sensible agreement;

Per 22.januar 2018, Bergensia has reached close to 4000 readers from all around the world, about half still being from Norway thoug and one third being from Bergen.-  The US is the second biggest audience.


Whats in our first 100 article archive?

When planning to start Bergensia in November 2016 I did not foresee how the American election come to play a central role in what Bergensia was going to write about. However, with a pathological liar and a Russian fraud as the 45th American president, Bergensia took a more political direction than first intended; Ingjald Pilskog at Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research are right in his article: Politics: the forgotten climate driver.

Politics: the forgotten climate driver

Trump actually made it to the top three most popular articles;

Donald Trump, Democracy and Media

Another political issue that became important to cover was the historic trial: The People vs. Arctic Oil in which Green Peace and Natur og Ungdom sued the Norwegian Government for opening the Arctic to exploration within only weeks from Erna Solberg signing the Paris Agreement. This is by many seen as hypocrisy, Norway being the worlds number 8 largest oil-exporting nation and a far fetch from meeting its target of 40% reduction in CO2 emissions. In the report One Year Closer you can read about “Norway’s progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – or rather lack of progress except for a lot of words . . .
(except for words on oil and gas )

Unburnable Episode #6 – The historic court case People vs. Arctic Oil

In the first six months or so, Bergensia has not covered the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) equally, and probably will not do in the months to come either.  Renewable energy has by far outnumbered the other issues, as it is understood to hold the key to making progress on most of the other goals. This fascinating article with live-data gained the most interest on this issue:

Live-Data Electricity Production Map and CO2 Emissions

And since my daughter, Sol 15 whom I am very proud of (she is my hero), had her working-week at school at Bergensia – the littering of the oceans, as represented in a Whale’s Tale which the two of us have co-written, is also predominant:

Blue Planet academic consultants: the message humanity cannot afford to ignore

The only article covering a local issue from the Bergen area where Bergensias editorial staff pt. is situated was this one on soil protection (Norway is among the countries with the least agricultural soil and therefore particularly vulnerable for situations where one cannot rely on import:

Soil Protection: Bergen kommune paves 1.000 acres soil contrary to national targets

The Conversation is the number one source of the most articles on Bergensia, often with a new headline and picture:

Looking for an Awesome Spring Skiing Experience?

Bergensia aims to do some covering on all 17 goals within a few months and also add “Voices” – (see the main menu) that is co-operation with organizations that specialize on each and every one of the goals. On a broader scale, Bergensia is proud to have received permission to republish articles from Al Jazeera News.

El Salvador woman jailed after stillbirth seeks freedom

What we eat is of the essence, also when it comes to the health of our blue planet. This is the one most important matter you as an individual may consider making an impact on climate change.
At Bergensia we will search for more individual lifehacks that each and every one of us can make to make a difference.

Why join Meatless Mondays? Cause we are eating our planet

Please do not hesitate to contact Bergensia with suggestions on issues to cover, criticism or credits, requests for paid content or any form of cooperation or just to have a conversation or a cup of coffee: +47 45663204.

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