documentary follows Greta Thunberg, a teenage climate activist from Sweden, on her international crusade to get people to listen…
President Obama’s anger translator “Luther” says all the things the President wishes he could. Featuring Keegan Michael-Key.
Carbon is notorious for its contribution to climate change. Its ubiquitous presence in our atmosphere subjects it to vilification for…
Once upon a time, the seven blues were a picture of infinity. Bjørnson wrote the poem “I wonder what I…
Liana Semchuk, University of Oxford Political commentators both inside Russia and around the world are comparing Alexei Navalny’s return to…
Listen to the voice of this writer, filmmaker, storyteller as he shares his reality checks and earthly observations.By Matthew Cooke…
The trial reveals exactly what the Ways of Seeing wanted to problematize – a conspiracy between the government, right-wing radical…
David Smith, University of Sydney After weeks of President Donald Trump’s baseless claims about voter fraud and other improprieties costing…
Fascinatingly, the Defense Department is referring to Wednesday’s pro-Trump riot as “the January 6, 2021 1st Amendment Protests.”…