The trial reveals exactly what the Ways of Seeing wanted to problematize – a conspiracy between the government, right-wing radical websites, and far-right politicians. This is irony at such a high level that the brain almost curls upon itself. #waysofseeing
— Hege Ulstein (@hegeulstein) September 9, 2020
Rettssaken avdekker nettopp det Ways of Seeing ønsket å problematisere – et samrøre mellom styringsapparatet, høyreradikale nettsteder og ytre høyre-politikere. Dette er ironi på et så høyt nivå at hjernen nærmest slår krøll på seg selv. #waysofseeing
— Hege Ulstein (@hegeulstein) September 9, 2020

Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde (born 8 July 1965) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party. She was appointed Minister of Public Security in the Ministry of Justice and Public Security in Solberg’s Cabinet from January 2019 and held the position until January 2020.[1]
Christian Tybring-Gjedde (born 8 August 1963) is a Norwegian politician who represents the Progress Party. He has been a member of the Norwegian parliament since 2005, and was the leader of the Progress Party’s Oslo chapter from 2010 to 2014.
In the second day of the trial on her friend Laila Anita Bertheussen, the prosecutor reveals communication where the then to-become Minister of Public Security accepts to leak information from Bertheussen to NRK (the state broadcaster in Norway), she states that it is a friendly journalist and it will not be possible to backtrack to Bertheussen.
The prosecutor also refers to an article by the Human Rights Service the same day, with one of the pictures Bertheussen asked Tybring-Gjedde to leak. Ingvil Smine’s Tybring-Gjedde referred in the chat between them that “HRS and Document make the connection” to the Black Box Theater and that “do not think it does anything”
Bertheussen confirms that she tipped Rita Karlsen in HRS [alt-right Human Right Service receives between 1,4 and 1,8 mill. NOK from the state budget each year, it is] about the incident on December 6, 2018, and that the two have been in “the same Messenger group” and that Karlsen on one occasion, among other things, is said to have helped her write a Facebook post.
Next, the prosecutor refers to reports that show that Bertheussen in December 2018 asked Ketil Lindseth in First House to tip VG that she had reviewed the Black Box Theater, that Wara’s friend does this and writes “Was this okay?” about the newspaper article.
In PST’s investigation, there are several references to a Messenger group in which, among others, Rita Karlsen in HRS and Progress Party politicians Gry-Anette Raknes Amundsen [married to former Justice Minister Per-Willy Trudvang Amundsen], Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, and Line Miriam Sandberg [working at the Prime Ministers Office and used to be married to Justice Minister Per Sandberg] participated, according to Bertheussen and prosecutor. The threat episodes were much discussed there.
Ways of Seing Norway

Take a few minutes to think about this . . .
as our country gets its 8. Minister of Justice, and hopefully last under this government.

With her government shift today putting #sylvilisthaug as oil and energy Minister and #terjesøviknes as the health Minister, @erna_solberg shows how little she cares about two of the most crucial issues of our time: #MeToo and #ClimateChange #regjering
— Lorelou Desjardins (@froginthefjord) December 18, 2019
Racism is the exposure of a certain part of the population to premature death
Prof. Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Director of Center for Place, Culture, and Politics,
The City University of New York.
If we compared the extremes in terms of those with the absolute highest income and the absolute lowest income, then there is almost 14 years difference in life expectancy for men and slightly more than 8 years difference in life expectancy for women,” says researcher Jonas Minet Kinge at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Photo in the play in November 2018: Here is what is shown of Tor Mikkel Wara and Laila Bertheussen’s residence in the play “Ways of Seeing”. The women behind the play were charged with violating privacy.
Photo March 16. 2019: Helge Mikalsen – Picture taken after Norwegian Police Security Service confirms to NTB that the search warrants in the detached house on Røa in Oslo have been completed and that Bertheussen and Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara can move home again. The picture appeared in VG Norway’s largest newspaper and in the news on TV 2.
Screenshot above. Devin Nunes recently learned the Streisand effect the hard way:
@DevinCow has tipped over @DevinNunes in twitter followers.
The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased.[1]
It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California inadvertently drew further public attention to it. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters to suppress files, websites, and even numbers. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, often being widely mirrored on the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.[2][3]
A journey through the root systems of power, in search of the connections between surveillance, racism and fear.
The theatre performance Ways of Seeing has led to a national debate on artistic freedom of expression in Norway, after dramatic and incredible incidents in connection to the performance being shown at Oslo’s Black Box Teater this winter.
Hanan Benammar has left France in favour of Norway, only to discover that Jean-Marie Le Pen and the National Front’s agenda is deeply rooted here, as well. In Oslo, she meets Sara Baban, who fled Saddam Hussein’s war against the Kurds in the 80s.
In this highly relevant performance, director Pia Maria Roll, together with Benammar, Baban and Marius von der Fehr, attempt to delineate the networks who’s interests lie in making Norway a more racist society. Who are they and what do they want to achieve? What is the connection between the environment of these networks and a growing call for more surveillance?
Ways of Seeing enters the grey area between right and wrong and what is legal and illegal – both for the state and for the individual. Joining them on their journey is the former Supreme Court judge, Ketil Lund, who led the investigation of the Norwegian state’s illegal surveillance of the political left in the 90s, and – a much-loved ghost.
«An immensely important performance»
Photo: Leif Gabrielsen/Black Box Teater
Ways of Seeing 21. nov. –30. nov. 2018
(8 performances) Black Box Teater
Pia Maria Roll/Hanan Benammar/Sara Baban/Marius von der Fehr (NO/FR/DZ)
Sara and Hanan:
«We wait in the garden. We wait like the gravel waits, like the wood pigeon and the blackbird and the ice and the clear water. We wait, like a two-headed gnome: dirty, coarse, unreliable. Sometimes we look through your bedroom windows: you pig-faced evil bedbugs who feast upon the root systems of hope. Slowly the heart stops running. We light black lanterns. The horror loses its grip. Europe disappears. Then we turn toward paradises lost for you and your kin.»
Hanan B leaves France. It is 2012, the same year that the National Front does its most successful election ever. Jean-Marie Le Pen had been an intelligence officer and torturer in the French colonial war in Algerie, where Hanan’s father, Halim, fought on the side of the revolution. Now, after years of determined political work, Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen, has managed to convince the French public that the colonial “war of civilization” has moved on to European soil. That we have to prevent a Muslim takeover of France will now be understood as the most important political undertaking. France adopts emergency laws and imposes rigorous monitoring of the Muslim population, and in the years to come the National Front becomes one of the strongest driving forces of the extreme right-wing movement as it spreads across Europe.
Hanan moves to Norway, just to realize that Le Pen’s agenda has hit deep roots there too. In Oslo, she meets Sara B, who fled from Saddam Hussein’s US-backed war against the Kurds in the ’80s, and who knows a lot about the connections between surveillance, racism, and horror. Together with former Supreme Court judge Ketil Lund and a deeply beloved ghost, they embark on a journey through the root systems of power. At the same time, NATO is planning that their largest military exercise ever is to be carried out on Norwegian soil.
BIO: Ways of Seeing is a project by Pia Maria Roll, Marius von der Fehr, Sara Baban and Hanan Benammar. Pia Maria Roll is an award-winning artist and some of her most important work is Over evne III, Ship O’hoi! and Ses i min nästa pjäs that all premiered at Black Box theater. Marius von der Fehr is an artist and writer and has worked with Pia Maria Roll and Marius Kolbenstvedt since 2010, latest with Land of Olives and National Apology. Sara Baban is a performing artist and vocalist and has worked as an actor at Riksteatret and in several other projects. Hanan Benammar is a visual artist, organizes the Winter Solstice festival in Oslo, and is a co-organizer of the First Supper Symposium events and at Carnival Union in Oslo.
In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.
Philosopher Karl Popper defined the paradox in 1945 in The Open Society and Its Enemies
Tolerance and freedom of speech
The paradox of tolerance is important in the discussion of what, if any, boundaries are to be set on freedom of speech. Popper asserted that to allow freedom of speech to those who would use it to eliminate the very principle upon which they rely is paradoxical. Rosenfeld states, “it seems contradictory to extend freedom of speech to extremists who… if successful, ruthlessly suppress the speech of those with whom they disagree,” and points out that the Western European democracies and the United States have opposite approaches to the question of tolerance of hate speech.[7] In some countries, including the United States, hate speech is constitutionally protected.[7][8][9]
This explains why no ones stopping felony President Trump from spreading his Hate Speeches:
Although Norway is not a member of the EU, do we want to take on American Conditions on this matter?
In his campaign Trump showed Americans his true self, no one should be surprised by what they got if he was elected.
Everyone must endure being provoked and harassed, whether for religious or political reasons.
Erna Solberg, 07.01.2015 shortly after the Paris attach when everyone went around beeing “Charlie”
But that was then, as we say in Norway.
This is the line of Ministers of Justice Erna Solberg’s Government have had in its 6,5 years of governing. Nr. 7 Jøran Kallmyr will feature later in the article.
Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen
Anders Anundsen (born 17 November 1975) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party who was Minister of Justice between October 2013 and December 2016.
Anundsen a Wall Builder before Trump. A 200 meter long and 3.5-meter high steel wire fence under construction at Storskog border station in Sør-Varanger. The barrier will make it even less likely that people cross the border illegally in the terrain, even though this should only have happened in a single case during 2015’s massive asylum influx.
Per-Willy Trudvang Amundsen (born 21 January 1971) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party who served as Minister of Justice from December 2016 to January 2018.
Tweet where Per-Willy Amundsen fears for his son’s future freedom and that it might be necessary with a new Crusade.
This is a fear he shared with the Utøya terrorist: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-norway-manifesto/norways-mass-killer-pursuing-anti-islam-crusade-idUSTRE76N0X820110724
Let Me Take A #Selfie: Two former Justice Ministers enjoying themselves before terror hearing
Sylvi Listhaug (born 25 December 1977) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party. Listhaug served as Norway’s first Minister of Immigration and Integration from 2015 to 2018, a specially created cabinet position during the European migrant crisis, and Minister of Agriculture and Food from 2013 to 2015. She served as Minister of Justice, Public Security, and Immigration from January 2018 until her resignation in March 2018.
In 2016, Listhaug was ridiculed for jumping off a rescue boat in a survival suit
In a Facebook post, Norway’s controversial justice minister Sylvi Listhaug, a member of the populist and anti-immigration Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, FrP), had accused the opposition Labour Party of considering “the rights of terrorists (to be) more important than the security of the nation”. Listhaug, whose party is a member of a centre-right coalition, was angry at Labour’s rejection of a proposal to strip jihadists of their Norwegian citizenship without a court decision. The post, which contained a photo showing threatening Al-Shabab militants, sparked outrage because Labour members had been targeted in 2011 in the worst attack on Norwegian soil since the end of the Second World War.
On July 22nd that year, right-wing extremist Anders Breivik, who once was a member of the Progress Party, killed 77 people in twin attacks: one targeting then-Labour prime minister Jens Stoltenberg’s office in Oslo and another against a Labour youth camp on the island of Utøya.
Hours after Listhaug withdrew her post, Prime Minister Erna Solberg issued an apology on behalf of her government after coming under fire for not voicing unequivocal disapproval of her minister.
“On behalf of the government … I wish to present my apologies because the rhetoric used by the government hurt people,” Solberg, a conservative, told reporters.
“Norway has a special link with terrorism since July 22nd (2011). That means we have to pay special attention in discussions on terrorism because we have people in society who have experienced it in the most appalling manner,” Solberg said. But the PM took six days to issue an apology on behalf of her government, having previously avoided commenting before then saying that the justice minister’s post had “crossed a line.” Listhaug’s message coincided with the release of the first film in Norway devoted to the 2011 atrocities. Labour leader Jonas Gahr Støre accused the minister of stoking “the hatred that led to the July 22nd (massacre)”. She finally withdrew the controversial post, arguing that rights issues prohibited the use of the Al-Shabab photo for political purposes.
Per Sandberg (born 6 February 1960) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party who served as the Norwegian Minister of Fisheries from December 2015 to August 2018. On 20 March 2018 Sandberg was appointed as acting Minister of Justice, Public Security and Immigration in Solberg’s Cabinet after Sylvi Listhaug resigned[17].
Photo: Screenshot Instagram
Norway’s rightwing fisheries minister and acting justice minister has resigned after breaching security protocol when he went on holiday to Iran with an Iranian-born former beauty queen. Per Sandberg, 58, the deputy head of the anti-immigration Progress party, which is part of the ruling coalition, admitted he had traveled to Iran in July with his new girlfriend Bahareh Letnes, 28, without informing the prime minister’s office in advance. He also admitted taking his work phone with him. Norway’s intelligence agency regularly lists Iran as one of the countries most likely to carry out espionage, alongside China and Russia.
“Per himself asked to step down and I think it was the right decision,” said the Conservative prime minister, Erna Solberg. “He didn’t show the necessary common sense when it comes to handling security issues.”
Letnes’s asylum request was rejected three times in Norway and she was expelled, but she eventually obtained a residency permit on the grounds that she risked being subjected to forced marriage in Iran. The Progress party favors a strict immigration policy, calling for asylum seekers whose applications are rejected to be expelled swiftly. It is also highly critical of foreigners who return to their native country after receiving asylum in Norway.
Tor Mikkel Wara (born 27 December 1964) is a Norwegian politician from the Progress Party, who served as Minister of Justice and Public Security of Norway from April 2018 to March 2019. Prior to holding the Minister position Wara was a lobbyist and First House, the company is sort of a Manpower company for politicians before, after and during their duty as a public service politician (!) Prime Minister Erna Solberg has publicly confirmed they have a hot-line directly to her cell-phone.
Jon Georg Dale (born 16 June 1984) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party. He was appointed Minister of Agriculture, which he served from 16 December 2015 to 31 August 2018. From 31 August 2018 forwards, he is the Minister of Transport and Communications. He is from March 14. also acting Minister of Justice.
Vy Jon Georg Dale?
As of today, it has not been possible to find a quote from Prime minister Erna Solberg as of why (Vy) the Progress Party should have the Minister of Justice when all their 5 prior candidates have had to leave the office.
Jøran André Smedal Kallmyr (born 15 April 1978) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party. He served as State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Public Security from 2014 to 2015.[1]
Kallmyr was appointed Minister of Justice and Immigration in Solberg’s Cabinet from 29 March 2019, becoming the fifth (permanent – seventh if you count acting) Justice Minister in the Solberg Cabinet. [2]
Russia calls Kallmyr’s speech on May 8th as «blasphemous»
Norwegian Minister of Justice, Jøran Kallmyr (Progress Party), speaks of freedom against socialism on the Liberation Day. the Russian embassy responds to the statement and calls it «blasphemous».
“NATO was created in the shadow of the dawning threat of the communist regime in the east. The Cold War was marked by ideological differences; Democracy against dictatorship; Freedom against communism and socialism. Furthermore, the threat posed by the atomic bomb. For Norway, it was extraordinary near, as we had the Russian bear as our next door neighbour,” Kallmyr speaks.
“We believe such statements are blasphemous. Mr Kallmyr finds no words of gratitude to the Soviet soldiers who liberated Europe and Norway from Nazism, distorts the role of the Soviet Union, violates the memory of those who fought against fascism – regardless of their political affiliation,” writes press attaché at the Russian Embassy in Oslo, Timur Chekanov in an email sent to Dagbladet and other recipients early on Saturday.
Chekanov believes Kallmyr’s statements are particularly sensitive ahead of the marking of the 75thanniversary of the liberation of East Finnmark on October 5th, 2019.
Prime Minister Erna Solberg (Conservatives) sees no reason to complain and does not understand Russia’s choice of words.
Justice minister had an illegal au pair
“News broke in Oslo late Wednesday afternoon that presented an ultimate irony: An au pair living in the home of Norway’s new justice minister from the conservative Progress Party, which champions restrictive immigration law, was sent back to the Philippines after immigration agency UDI claimed she’d been working illegally for the minister’s family since August of last year.”
How you see the world depends on your political view
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell vs Katy Perry
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell vs Katy Perry
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