
Is this the Endgame for Arctic Ice?

The deviation of temperatures from November 2024 to January 2025 from those in the corresponding 3-month period from 1979 to 2000. Source: Climate Reanalyzer via Niko Froitzheim.

Arctic sea-ice extent continues to crash: As of February 26, 2025, Arctic sea-ice extent is 356,000 square kilometers below the previous record low for the same day. A new record with a low maximum seems almost inevitable.

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The AMOC is one of Earth’s most vital systems and may collapse. Ocean scientist Lisa Beal discovered that the Gulf Stream is slowing down, indicating a potential tipping point for the AMOC. Maiya May heads to Georgia to meet Stacey Abrahms and learn how an ambitious non-profit hopes to electrify everything. She then travels to take her first flight lesson in an all-electric plane. Finally, she returns to Florida to learn about the final piece of the puzzle in reaching net-zero carbon emissions: nature. Weathered is a show hosted by weather expert Maiya May and produced by Balance Media that helps explain the most common natural disasters, what causes them, how they’re changing, and what we can do to prepare.

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