How it works
Trefadder offers sponsorship to companies and private individuals who can become climate neutral through tree planting in Norway.
The income from the tree sponsorship contributes directly to the financing of climate forests through agreements with forest owners. During the life of the climate forest, quality assurance and maintenance are required, so that we achieve maximum carbon capture and good living conditions for all trees.
We plant climate forests on vacant land on selected farms
At Hagalid Farm in Rogaland, we have planted over 50,000 trees so far. Trefadder has the ambition to plant many Norwegian tree species such as Norwegian spruce, pine, birch and aspen on vacant land on farms all over the country.
Confidence in climate measures is a prerequisite for the Trefadder model. Therefore, Trefadder emphasizes significant verifiable documentation as a basis for the climate certificates and the work with our climate forests.
Establishment and development of climate forests requires the right competence, method use, record keeping, agreements with landowners and documentation through the forest’s life phases. For this purpose, Trefadder has developed a unique ICT system that includes the following prerequisites and functions.

All our Tree Sponsors should be able to trust that the climate forest will actually be built!
All tree planting and documentation is done and checked by qualified professionals who have a relevant education from the Norwegian University of Environmental and Life Sciences (NMBU). In cases where hired personnel are used, these must have experience and the necessary course competence for tree planting and young forest maintenance.
Without the right expertise during planting and maintenance, there is an increased risk that the forest will have less growth, higher mortality and low wood quality.
Criteria for forest properties to be included in Trefadder’s climate forests:
- Forest owner / property is PEFC-certified, takes into account current existing legislation and environmental information criteria are met.
- If deviations are documented, these must be corrected before a possible agreement is entered into.
- If some of the area is used for other purposes, this must be replaced elsewhere on the property that provides equivalent or greater uptake of Co2
- Klimaskogen gets increased rights / protection through a registered «climate forest agreement».
- Trefadder finances the cultivation of areas, the purchase of plants, planting and care. Forest owners who do not comply with this must repay this amount.
The choice of good planting sites, the right planting tools, execution, as well as plant treatment during transport and intermediate storage are prerequisites for a good forest.
All tree planting takes place by buying two-year-olds from approved manufacturers with tracking and genetic pedigree. Each year class is planted in a planned area that is recorded. In forestry, the term “Young forest care” is used, which is carried out at given intervals in the years after planting. In this phase, density, growth is assessed and optimized for further growth.
We use an auditing company to, among other things, verify the number of trees that have been planted and our climate forests are also drone photographed every year.
As a tree sponsor, you have the opportunity to visit “your climate forest”. In our climate forest at Hagalid farm, there is both a Sunday café in the summer, an art gallery and good fishing opportunities.
What is the funding for tree sponsorship for?
The income from tree sponsorship contributes directly to the financing of climate forests. To ensure a predictable production of climate forest, the areas must be registered. Trefadder enters into an agreement with the forest owner and trees are planted. During the life of the climate forest, quality assurance and maintenance are also required, so that we achieve maximum carbon capture and good living conditions for all trees.
How is the tree planting documented?
Trefadder only chooses to use areas that do not conflict with other important natural values, cultural monuments or protected areas. The climate forests are only established on areas where the forest owner has the opportunity to manage and care for the forest. Municipal forestry management will then control all plant areas.
How is the carbon capture effect documented?
The Norwegian Environment Agency, NIBIO and NMBU have assessed the effect of climate forest planting in Norway. The binding effect from the research project is estimated at 60 tonnes of carbon per decare. Then we are well within the margins of error and our customers can be absolutely sure that they get what they pay for.
What will happen to the climate forest in the future?
The climate forest will remain until it has bound the maximum amount of carbon, which can take up to 90 years. After felling of climate forest, new forest will be planted on the areas. This is how we continue the work of storing carbon and producing oxygen.
What is meant by compensatory tree planting?
Compensatory tree planting means that we plant forests that correspond to your annual carbon emissions. We are more than happy to make a carbon account for you, so that you have an overview of your environmental footprint.
Is Norwegian tree planting better than planting in other areas of the world?
All tree planting good. If the world’s forest area is increased by 1.5%, we will actually bind enough carbon to solve the climate crisis. Experience from similar projects around the world shows that it is important to plant in places where the trees can grow under optimal conditions.
In Norway, there are already good systems and routines that ensure that climate forests grow without it being able to be removed by the authorities or forest owners. Our tree sponsors can therefore be sure that the climate forests are able to bind carbon and that trees are not removed.
By supporting Trefadder, you have access to visit your climate forest.
What is the difference between a climate quota and tree planting under the auspices of Trefadder?
A climate quota is a permit to emit one tonne of CO2. The authorities allocate companies and states a certain amount of allowances which can then be sold and bought between different companies or countries. The quotas define the market price of CO2 emissions.
There are different types of quotas, including EUA and CER. Common to these is that each quota corresponds to emissions of one tonne of CO2, and that they are approved under the Kyoto agreement. Climate quotas are traded on stock exchanges and prices vary based on supply and demand.
Tree sponsor is not part of the climate quota system. It is therefore not possible to speculate on quotas purchased through Trefadder.
We at Trefadder have made things easy. We plant trees here in Norway and satisfy both national and international standards for tree planting. In practice, you have full control over the carbon storage process. In fact, you can come and visit your own climate forest here on Hjelmeland! At the same time, Trefaddere helps to support local workplaces, at the same time as you have full control over the carbon storage process.
What happens to my climate forest if I cancel my sponsorship?
One year of tree sponsorship includes planting trees for the current year, as well as maintenance of the trees until maximum carbon storage is achieved. The climate forest will therefore stand, regardless of whether you terminate the sponsorship or not. When a sponsorship is renewed after one year, new trees are planted, so that we can bind even more carbon for you.
Who is behind Trefadder?
Trefadder AS is owned by employees, business funds and environmentally committed investors from all over the country. The board consists of Svenn-Børge Vatland, Bjørn Haugland and Anders Kristiansen.