“Do what you can. With what you have. Where you are”. Woodrow Wilson
Frontpage Photo: Adam Johansson
Greta demands politicians to take climate action and stop ecological breakdown, especially in Sweden and the other Nordic countries.
Greta Thunberg on her Instagram account explains;
I have received the Nordic Council’s environmental award 2019. I have decided to decline this prize. Here’s why: “I am currently traveling through California and therefore not able to be present with you today. I want to thank the Nordic Council for this award. It is a huge honor.
But the climate movement does not need any more awards. What we need is for our politicians and the people in power to start to listen to the current, best available science.
The Nordic countries have a great reputation around the world when it comes to climate and environmental issues. There is no lack of bragging about this. There is no lack of beautiful words. But when it comes to our actual emissions and our ecological footprints per capita – if we include our consumption, our imports as well as aviation and shipping – then it’s a whole other story.
In Sweden, we live as if we had about 4 planets according to WWF and Global Footprint Network. And roughly the same goes for the entire Nordic region.
In Norway for instance, the government recently gave a record number of permits to look for new oil and gas. The newly opened oil and natural gas field, ”Johan Sverdrup” is expected to produce oil and natural gas for 50 years; oil and gas that would generate global CO2 emissions of 1,3 tonnes.
The gap between what the science says is needed to limit the increase of global temperature rise to below 1,5 or even 2 degrees – and politics that run the Nordic countries is gigantic. And there are still no signs whatsoever of the changes required.
The Paris Agreement, which all of the Nordic countries have signed, is based on the aspect of equity, which means that richer countries must lead the way.
We belong to the countries that have the possibility to do the most. And yet our countries still basically do nothing. So until you start to act in accordance with what the science says is needed to limit the global temperature rise below 1,5 degrees or even 2 degrees celsius, I – and Fridays For Future in Sweden – choose not to accept the Nordic Councils environmental award nor the prize money of 500 000 Swedish kronor.
Best wishes
Greta Thunberg
”Climate crisis is greatest ever threat to human rights”, the United Nations warns. https://t.co/XVKOlEoxC2
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 10, 2019
Erna: Du kan tale til FN i New York på fritiden din, Greta https://t.co/Zga0X8zH5P pic.twitter.com/rv3PQVfy5H
— Joachim 🎃. Advokat! (@jooooooachim) September 24, 2019
The huge, proposed new fossil gas terminal in Göteborg has been denied its final permit and will not be built because of the climate crisis.
Activism works. So act! #folkmotfossilgas #WeWonGothenburg https://t.co/tdh2FcsVnd— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) October 11, 2019
The @GretaThunberg Effect.
I’m at the 16th Science and Technology in Society forum in Kyoto and the language being used here, for the first time, is “we know enough science about #climatechange, we’ve talked enough about what needs to be done, now we must act with urgency.”— Peter Gleick (@PeterGleick) October 6, 2019
To those who question my so called “opinions”, I would once again want to refer to page 108, chapter 2 in the SR1,5 IPCC report released last year.
There you’ll find our rapidly declining CO2 budgets. This is not opinions or politics. It’s the current best available science. ->— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) October 2, 2019
Greta Thunberg just changed her Twitter bio to mock Putin https://t.co/LktZy1A0xc
— The Independent (@Independent) October 6, 2019
”World losing area of forest the size of the UK each year.”
We should of course be planting as many trees as possible. But equally important – and hardly ever mentioned – is to leave the existing ones standing and to leave the natural habitats intact. https://t.co/0EGDMZY7vf— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) October 4, 2019
“We are ignoring natural climate solutions”
A short movie with @GeorgeMonbiot and me, by Tom Mustill, about restoring and rewilding nature to help repair the planets broken climate. #ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown https://t.co/KBmEc6VMqm
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 19, 2019
Early numbers confirm at least
7 million people joined the #weekforfuture climate strikes! Thank you everyone, especially the local organisers! The #weekforfuture is one of the biggest global demonstrations in history. This is just the beginning! #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture pic.twitter.com/CDPZ2C2hjd— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 28, 2019
Hang in there! Help is available. https://t.co/aenieXxVut
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 26, 2019
Smug, mediocre, Republican Congressman takes on @GretaThunberg—
Greta proceeds to:
-remind him she’s a badass
-destroy the very premise of his question
-roast him when he misses her ptImagine a future w/Greta asking the q’s. To get there, we must first heed her call to action. pic.twitter.com/GW2UefQZHC
— Buffy Wicks (@BuffyWicks) September 19, 2019
You can literally see how @GretaThunberg can’t understand how the chairman of the committee on climate change can ask her such a stupid question:
“Why should we listen to the science?”
This is from today’s testimony in Congress by four young climate activists.
[THREAD 1/11] pic.twitter.com/KqWAMbACdQ
— Michael Flammer 💚🌍🌡 (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019

“Do what you can. With what you have. Where you are”. Woodrow Wilson
Photo: Adam Johansson
Och så var vi två. #klimatstrejk pic.twitter.com/MZOdPwL7OJ
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) August 21, 2018
Took this a couple of days later, Aug 27. Some more people starting to join in ☺️💪🏻🌊 pic.twitter.com/N84lJ9llTh
— Marcus Andersson (@mzaine) September 21, 2019
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