SDG16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Investigating war crimes in Gaza an Al Jazeera Investigations Documentary

The West cannot hide; they cannot claim ignorance. Nobody can say “they didn’t know,” this is “the first livestream genocide” in history … If people are ignorant, they are wilfully ignorant. – Susan Abulhawa, Palestinian writer

Is your taco or laughter stuck in your throat after Nytt på Nytt?

Then, I can recommend this documentary from Al Jazeera Investigations about Israel’s war crimes in Gaza.

About how AI, US Big Tech, and weaponized drones make war crimes more efficient and how the US, the UK, and Germany are complicit in a year-long genocide without the Western media seeming to care. This is despite the fact that nowhere have more press colleagues been killed (171 and counting ..) than what Israel has killed in Gaza, the West Bank, and now also in Lebanon.

In 1948, the UN created the Zionist apartheid state of Israel in Palestine. An injustice committed against the Jews by Hitler’s Germany during the Second World War, known as the Holocaust, entails a new injustice against a completely innocent Semitic people in another part of the world: the Palestinians.

The result was Al-Nakba, where more than 13,000 Palestinians were killed and 750,000 displaced to refugee camps. Then, over 75 years of daily humiliation, violence, imprisonment under separate military law for Palestinians, and arbitrary killings committed by the military and settlers.

And then, the October 7. 2023 incident occurred after three generations of genocide.

Despite the fact that many Israelis are killed on this day, it does not give Israel the right to start a genocide.

It’s now been a year of genocide in Gaza. Is any Western media outlet planning to give us a documentary to mark that horrifying milestone? It seems not. Al Jazeera has once again ventured where every Western media organization dares not go… – Jonathan Cook

Instead, the BBC airs a documentary called “We Will Dance Again” that interviews Israelis . . .

Have any mainstream media outlets reported on the Al Jazeera documentary yet? Of course not.

The Al Jazeera documentary on Gaza tells us a few things:
– the goal for Israel was never freeing the hostages,
– it was killing the “animals” in Palestine
– the West is pretending to be blind to war crimes while several Western governments are complicit
(USA, UK (both Tories and Labour; Germany; …
– the IDF are savages and no proper military
– the average Israeli is complicit

Starving Gaza

This feature-length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long conflict.

The I-Unit has built a database of thousands of videos, photos, and social media posts. Where possible, it has identified the posters and those who appear. The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighborhoods and murder. The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers, and ordinary residents of the Gaza Strip. And it exposes the complicity of Western governments – in particular, the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza.

What about the hostages?

Wikipedia: The future of Palestinian prisoners detained by Israel in the context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is considered central to progress in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.[1] Cases of prison sentences include the charges of terrorism or being a member of an “illegal terrorist organization”, such as Hamas or prior to the Oslo Accords the Palestine Liberation Organization, but according to some accounts also by political activism such as raising a Palestinian flag.[2][3]

In April 2022, there were 4,450 Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli prisons – including 160 children, 32 women, and over 1,000 “administrative detainees” (indefinitely incarcerated without charge).[4] According to B’tselem, since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on 7 October 2023, Palestinians prisoners with Israeli citizenship have been stripped of many of their rights .[5] It further found that abuse of detainees is so institutionalized that the prisons should be called ‘torture camps’.[6]

In December 2011, 4,772 Palestinian security prisoners were serving terms in Israeli prisons. Of these, 552 were sentenced to life terms.[7]By July 2024, there were 9,623 Palestinians incarcerated by Israel, 4,781 in administrative detention, for alleged security reasons.[8]

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