The World’s Sustainable Gazette stays woke as 1200+ articles push and inspire educational institutions, organizations, and business leaders to align their strategic purpose towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development is the largest assignment of our time.
We are the first generation that can end poverty,
the last that can end climate change
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (2007-16).
Sustainable Development is an appealing phrase, first used by Gro Harlem Brundtland in what is later known as the Brundtland Report, Our Common Future; World Commission on Environment and Development 1987.
“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains two key concepts:
- The concept of needs, in particular, the essential needs of the world’s poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and
- The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.”
In September 2015, the world nations agreed on 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. This makes Gro’s legacy more relevant than ever.
DNV GL’s report “The Future of Spaceship Earth – Business Frontiers” extrapolates the world’s development until 2050 and estimates the probabilities of achieving the 17 SDGs within 2030. DNV GL sees the SDGs as platforms for innovation towards which companies can align their strategies.

In November 2016, the Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasized the theme for their yearly conference Årskonferansen. The founder of Bergensia attended this conference and found a lack of media coverage in this field; this became the starting point for Bergensia. gives a voice to organizations and persons who can report progress and innovation toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within science, political, economic, social/cultural, technological, or environmental. The site lifts individuals and organizations who make a difference so they can inspire the rest of us. Further, the site accumulates knowledge and becomes an archive for the best sustainable development practices.
An early prototype, the least viable product, launched on May 10. 2017 at Nordic Media Festival.
The target audience for Bergensia:
Members of the strategic management in international companies, primarily the manager in charge of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, the management group, and central, vital stakeholders. The second audience is anyone who feels they may have something to contribute to the SDGs within 2030, especially mainstream media. Climate and environmental issues are no longer a case for a minority of people and notable environmental organizations; they have become the central issue of our time. Regardless of political flavor, an overwhelming majority seek solutions and contributions. This is what Bergensia is about.
Even before launch, Bergensia is warmly welcomed by sustainability forces who seek to gather minor and significant progress and to share knowledge and inspiring content; among these are The Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, Sustainability Hub Norway, Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and DNV GL:
The Bjerknes Centre welcomes Bergensia – The Sustainable Gazette, as a valuable contribution to the coverage of the world’s climate challenges and the actions taken by organizations to achieve the SDGs in general and the climate goal in special. The Bjerknes Centre looks forward to co-operating with Bergensia on journalistic content, knowledge sharing, competence and network building within the climate field. Tore Furevik, Director
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are the only plan we have for our common future. Business role in the society is to solve social challenges and deliver solutions. I will encourage business leaders to look at the Sustainable Development Goals as platforms for innovation. We in DNV GL hope that Bergensia will communicate stories, examples, and solutions that will inspire the businesses sector to realign their purpose, strategies, and priorities in a way that drives innovation towards the world’s 2030 agenda. Bjørn K. Haugland, Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, DNV GL
Det er kjekt å se at Bergen Næringsråds Årskonferanse om FNs bærekraftsmål inspirerer til handling.
Jeg vil med spenning følge Bergensias strategiske satsning på kompetanseheving, kompetansedeling og nettverksbygging om kurert journalistisk innhold i samarbeid med forskningsinstitusjoner, miljøorganisasjoner og næringsliv. Vi ser at stadig flere virksomheter tar Bærekraftsmålene i bruk som overordnet ramme for sin virksomhet. Økt kunnskap kombinert med gode eksempler som inspirerer og peker på nye muligheter for næringsliv og offentlig forvaltning er det behov for både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Dette selskapet passer godt inn i det mangfoldige miljøet som vokser frem i Media City Bergen. Alle med lokal forankring og internasjonale vekstambisjoner. Her skapes det stadig nye arbeidsplasser i en tid der de store etablerte mediehusene nedbemanner.
Marit Warncke, Adm. Direktør Bergen Næringsråd
Bergen Teknologioverføring (BTO) and NCE Media are other vital supporters. Other science institutions will also make their voice heard through Bergensia; an estimated 4000 scientists work on international projects only in Bergen. They have English as a working language but no common platform to communicate with the outside world.
Huffington Post is a role model as a content curator, viral success, and business model. “Content Marketing” is where organizations pay to promote their Corporate Social Responsibility message. We are confident that there is room for a global Bright Green Media company like Bergensia in the news market. We noticed that The Guardian has some heavy sponsors for its environmental content. The New York Times has a massive department of journalists solely working on content marketing, and in Norway, we have recently seen Schibsted building this capacity.
The Founder of Bergensia left a safe and well-paid position as a Business Development Manager at the IT Infrastructure Company Atea and more than ten years in sales of long-term outsourcing solutions (some customers TV 2, StormGeo, Tide, Skandiabanken, Toma, and Ekornes . .) Before that, he spent ten years in different marketing positions: Sponsor Manager at ICA Norge, where he contributed to building two SOS-Children Villages, and Marketing Manager at, where we defined online travel long before Google Analytics and Facebook came along.
I am launching Bergensia because I think it can make a difference.
At Bergensia, ambitions are high, and we want to become the authority in our field – «The Sustainable Gazette.»
New York is a natural next step after Bergen since the United Nations headquarters is there. With Trump running the US, Beijing may be just as natural, and China will take leadership in new energy and other climate issues. With offices opening in Rio and Cairo/Lagos, Bergensia will cover all continents.
We are hiring, and besides looking for a «Second Fiddle” or co-pilot, news desk, and web developing capacity, a dialog has also been established with NAV on possible internships. A few years from now, Bergensia expects to employ more than a handful of gifted journalists and, at the same time, has opened offices in New York and Beijing.

“Eternal life” and 10.000 sustainability-conscious readers for 50,000 NOK
Relevant quality stories will “live” for 12/24/36 months, attracting new readers each month. At a premium price, you also get to audit your advertorials to make them up to date, and you may have more than one post. With Bergensias advertorial staff, you can arrange to publish new relevant content each quarter at no extra cost except for time and materials (edit, photo, video, animation, etc.)
Bergensia is already featured as one of the new media companies moving into Media City Bergen. You will find us in Mediakuben on the 8th Floor in the South Tower from August 28.
It is time to step up.
Bergen May 3. 2017
Jan Terje EspelandFounder Bergensia – The Sustainable Gazette
mobile 45663204,, Media City Bergen
The Founder of Bergensia left a safe and well-paid position as a Business Development Manager at the IT Infrastructure Company Atea and 10 years in sales of long term outsourcing solutions (some customers TV 2, StormGeo, Tide, Skandiabanken, Toma and Ekornes . .) Before that, 10 years in different marketing positions; Sponsor Manager at ICA Norge where he contributed to building two SOS-Children Villages and as Marketing Manager in where we defined online travel long before Google Analytics and Facebook came along.